Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Week 5 & AMAZING Physical Therapy

This has truly been my best week by far!

Monday, I started physical therapy and I couldn't wait to get there. My great friend, Laura (who happens to share my Plastic Surgeon and is getting her implant exchange next week!), told me all about her experience with PT and the "new" technique that is used for mastectomy patients.

I made an appointment with my therapist, Peggy, for 10:15am. I got there at 10 so I would have plenty of time to fill out more paperwork. She took me back and we had a quick intro, medical history, and how the mastectomy has affected me. She measured how many degrees I could lift my arms from a sitting position and then a laying position. Full range is 180 degrees. (Remember your protractor?)

My measurements were:
Sitting-right arm: 161 degrees
Lying down-right arm: 168 degrees

Sitting-left arm: 142 degrees
Lying down-left arm: 146 degrees

Obviously, I have some work to do. After measuring, Peggy explained that she would use a technique called "Myofascial Release" before we started any exercises. I never heard of that before, it sounds kind of fancy, so I was curious to what this entailed.

Before I explain this technique, let me update you real quick on how I feel. The lymph node dissection that they performed in my left arm pit has affected my left arm's range of motion more than I ever thought it would. It has been a struggle since surgery to even wrangle a cami over my shoulders because I couldn't lift my arm very far at all. In general, I felt tight. It's so hard to describe but the best I can compare it to is that it feels like I have a sports bra on, that's at least 2 sizes too small, ALL the time. It is uncomfortable, not necessarily painful. This extreme tightness encompasses my entire torso, my underarms, sides, and the upper half of my left arm. When I have a muscle spasm, it's even worse. I sleep in the recliner still, and I only recently (over the weekend) took a shower or dressed by myself. I was able to start driving over the weekend, but it is difficult for me to turn & look behind me, to turn the wheel with my left arm, and I learned that my seat belt really hurts my left side. Thank goodness for little pillows!

Alright, so back to PT. From Peggy's trainer's myofascial release website, it says that "Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion".

So what is myofascial tissue you ask?

Myofascial tissue is "Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web or a sweater. Fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. The most interesting aspect of the fascial system is that it is not just a system of separate coverings. It is actually one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption."

The way that the physical therapist explained it to me was that fascia was very similar to the "thin film covering" that we often remove off of a chicken breast before we prepare it. That "film" is one continuous structure in our body. When we have trauma to our body, such as mastectomy surgery, that myofascial tissue locks down and tightens as a defense.

Here's the scientific explanation of that: "Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch...".

As Peggy explained all this, I really got excited because it made PERFECT sense. She told me that it was like a massage when she started, and it felt like one. She started in the center of my chest, with gentle pressure. At first, it felt like she was just pushing her hand down on my sore sternum, but after a little bit, her hand started to slide down. I could feel the tension releasing! She moved to my left side, which scared me.

It scared me because I am so sore & tight. I've never been scared to move or have someone touch my body before, and it's not a great feeling.

As she worked on my left breast, side, underarm, and arm, I could feel things start to loosen up and it felt wonderful! After the "massage", we moved to the equipment room and she showed me some simple stretches for me to do at home. I felt wonderful!

After that, she took measurements again. The progress I had in just one session is nothing less than AMAZING!

Sitting-right arm: 172 degrees
Lying down-right arm: 175 degrees

Sitting-left arm: 160 degrees
Lying down-left arm: 165 degrees

I will go to PT twice a week. Since she was booked for the rest of this week, I was able to slide into a lunch-time slot yesterday. I made even more progress with my range of motion. Lying down, I was able to extend my right arm a full 180 degrees.

I was SO excited to show Ward what I can do! Peggy told me that she would have me comfortable enough to finally sleep in the bed again! I still have some work to do and strength to gain, but I am so grateful that this opportunity was available to me! My first fill is Friday, so naturally, I'm nervous. BUT....I feel like I have an advantage with PT. She has relieved so much pressure and tightness in my chest that I feel like I have room for the expansion.

I am so impressed with the myofascial release! I think it could help so many problems that we have with our bodies sometimes. I became a believer on Monday morning because I could literally feel my body "let go" of that tension. It was truly incredible.

I'm ready for some cleavage! :0)

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